
Long-distance and Short-distance Moving Tips

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Long-distance and Short-distance Moving Tips

Growing up with a military dad, we moved all over the country. I went to 12 different schools before I went to college! It is easy to see how I learned a lot about moving throughout my life, and now that I am semi-retired, I decided to make a blog to share moving tips with anyone who needs them to fill my free time. I actually really miss moving around, because I always felt like after moving to every new area, I had the chance to become whoever I wanted to be. I also never had to worry about doing something embarrassing in school and being made fun of it for years! I hope you can learn from my moving experience stories and tips I plan to post here. Check back often!


Tips That Will Help Make Your Move Easier, Less Stressful & More Organized

Moving from a house you have lived in for years can be a difficult task, especially if you are short on time, but there are ways to stay organized and make it easier and less stressful. The keys to achieving these goals are starting your packing early on and hiring a household moving company for help. Here are some tips that will help you as you start preparing for moving day.

Start Packing Things You Do Not Use

If you wait until the week of your move to start packing your things, you will run out of time, and you certainly will not be able to stay organized throughout the move. On the other hand, if you start months in advance, you will not feel overwhelmed, rushed, or nervous. In fact, starting months in advance will give you the time you need to handle this move in the most organized way possible. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you have a couple months to plan and prepare for this move:

Start packing things you do not use—Start with drawers, closets, attic space, the basement, and any other area where you have things you do not use on a daily basis. You might be able to pack over 50% of your belongings right now, which means you will have less to do later. Pack anything and everything you will not need until after your move.

Get rid of things—Sorting through old things takes time for several reasons, but one reason is because you may have so many things you really do not need or want. In fact, a lot of what you have might simply be trash. As you sort through an area and pack things up, get rid of things too. You can sell them, donate them, or throw these items away.

Keep Things as Organized as Possible

As you are packing, you should try to stay as organized as possible. To do this, you may want to gather the right supplies. This can include zipper baggies, small containers, boxes, bubble wrap, and labels. You can use these supplies to stay organized. For example, if you are packing up your "junk" drawer, you could use the small zipper baggies for storing different things. You could place pens and pencils in one bag, paper clips in another, and batteries in yet another.

Try to keep similar items together, and always place small parts in baggies. If you take something apart that has small parts, tape the baggie to the item so the items do not get separated during the move.

Clean While You Go

Another good step to take now is to clean as you go. While your house will still need to be cleaned after you get done moving everything out, there will be less to do later on. For example, if you empty out drawers in your bathroom or kitchen, wipe them down when you are finished. These drawers will probably stay clean until you move, which means you will not need to clean them after your move. If you wait to do this, you will have a lot more deep cleaning to do when you are finished moving.

Hire a Moving Company to Do the Labor

Finally, you should not handle the move yourself. Moving everything takes time and a lot of effort, and this is what moving companies specialize in. If you hire a moving company, they can have everything moved for you in just a couple hours, and this will relieve a lot of pressure and stress from you.

If you would like to learn more about the services offered by household moving companies, visit resources like