
Long-distance and Short-distance Moving Tips

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Long-distance and Short-distance Moving Tips

Growing up with a military dad, we moved all over the country. I went to 12 different schools before I went to college! It is easy to see how I learned a lot about moving throughout my life, and now that I am semi-retired, I decided to make a blog to share moving tips with anyone who needs them to fill my free time. I actually really miss moving around, because I always felt like after moving to every new area, I had the chance to become whoever I wanted to be. I also never had to worry about doing something embarrassing in school and being made fun of it for years! I hope you can learn from my moving experience stories and tips I plan to post here. Check back often!


2 Tips To Prevent Your Vinyl Records From Becoming Warped In Commercial Storage

Running your own record business allows you to collect a plethora of records. Some records are easier to sell than others and can begin to sit on your shelves for months. Placing your unsold vinyl records in a commercial storage unit can be a good way to preserve your collection while making room for other things in your store that you may be able to sell a lot quicker. Vinyl records that are placed in a commercial storage unit will often stay protected as long as they are stored correctly. Improper storing can result in vinyl records that are warped when you remove them from storage a few months later. If you have records that are difficult to replace, then this can be frustrating to deal with. Luckily, there are a few tips that you can use to prevent your records from warping.

Rent a Temperature Controlled Unit

Temperature control is one of the main ways to prevent any kind of warping. Whenever there is sudden increase or decrease in temperature may materials will react by expand or contracting. If there is water involved, then this can make the expansion or contraction even worse. A temperature controlled storage unit prevents this from happening. By maintaining a standard temperature you can help to prevent your records from sustaining damage. Not all storage units offer temperature control units. Therefore, it is important to find out in advance before committing to a unit. In addition, temperature is usually an additional fee.

Avoid Stacking Your Records

Whenever people place things into a storage unit or garage, it is almost instinctive to want to stack the items in the space. Stacking items helps to expand an already tight space. However, stacking can also result in damage. In the case of your vinyl records, stacking will end up not only bending the edges of the records, but it will also cause it to warp. You can prevent this by placing your records in tight boxes that have lids. There should not be an extra space in the box. Therefore, plan to place as many records in each box as possible. Extra space in the box can result in bending and additional damage.

Warped records as basically impossible to use and may be difficult to sell in the future. Therefore, use these tips to ensure your records remain in tip-top condition once they are in the commercial storage unit. You can also work with a company like Father & Son Moving & Storage to avoid serious problems.