
Long-distance and Short-distance Moving Tips

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Long-distance and Short-distance Moving Tips

Growing up with a military dad, we moved all over the country. I went to 12 different schools before I went to college! It is easy to see how I learned a lot about moving throughout my life, and now that I am semi-retired, I decided to make a blog to share moving tips with anyone who needs them to fill my free time. I actually really miss moving around, because I always felt like after moving to every new area, I had the chance to become whoever I wanted to be. I also never had to worry about doing something embarrassing in school and being made fun of it for years! I hope you can learn from my moving experience stories and tips I plan to post here. Check back often!


Preparing To Move A Piano To A New Home

If you own a piano and you need to move it to a new home, you likely worry about how to get it to its new location without the risk of breakage. Many people contact a professional moving service with piano-moving expertise for this reason. Here are preparatory steps to take in advance of a piano move to ensure the process is successful and achieved with as little chaos as possible.

Contact The Service With Specifications

When you call a moving service to schedule an appointment for a piano relocation, it is important to provide the business with exact specifications regarding the instrument and the layout of each of your homes. Before making the call, measure each doorway in your home, as well as the piano itself at its widest point. These measurements are necessary to ensure the piano fits through your existing home to get to a moving truck and to guide it to its resting place in your new home. If the doorways are not wide enough in your existing home, find out how the instrument had been brought inside if you did not conduct the process yourself. There may be a need to remove a large window or double door to get the piano outside. A mover needs to see each of your doors in person to evaluate the proposed paths to take for the procedures ahead as well.

Remove Items To Make Moving Easier 

All items within the proposed pathway for the piano's removal are a risk to workers and the instrument during the moving process. When the moving service decides upon the pathway they intend to take to get your piano out of your home, all areas being used need special attention to make the move doable. Remove all personal belongings anywhere near this path. This includes items on your walls and ceilings such as paintings or light fixtures. The more room available for the movers, the easier it is for your piano to be guided toward a doorway or window.

Rely On Insurance To Help

Moving services do have insurance available so your investment is protected if it becomes damaged. Be sure to inquire about the specifics from the service you intend on using. If you require additional coverage, contact your personal insurance agent. Take photographs of your piano from all angles before it is moved. This way, if damage does occur, the insurance used by the moving service or your agent has proof available to determine a payout amount.

Contact a local piano moving company, such as Pro Piano Movers, to learn more.